Elevate Brand Experience Through Space Renovation

One of the ways that hospitality brands can stand out from the crowd and create a memorable impression on their guests is by investing in renovation projects that enhance their brand experience.

But why do hospitality brands need renovation? What kind of renovation should they focus on? And how can the renovation help them stand out? In this blog post, we will answer these three questions and provide some examples of customer experience innovation in hospitality

Why Hospitality Brands Need Renovation

Renovating a hotel is not just about maintaining the physical condition and appearance of the property. It is also about staying relevant and competitive in the market. Adapting to changing customer preferences and demands, and creating a unique and distinctive brand identity.

Some of the reasons why hospitality brands need renovation are:


To keep up with the latest standards and design trends in the industry

Customers expect hotels to offer modern amenities, comfortable rooms, and stylish interiors. Hotels that look outdated or worn-out may lose customers to newer or more trendy competitors.


To improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

Renovating a hotel can improve the quality of service, comfort, and convenience that customers receive during their stay. This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as generate positive reviews and other social channels. According to a study by Cornell University, hotels that invest in renovation can see an increase in revenue per available room (RevPAR) by 11%.


To attract new segments and markets

Renovating a hotel can also help hospitality brands expand their customer base and reach new segments and markets. For example, by adding or upgrading facilities such as meeting rooms, fitness centers, spas, or restaurants, hotels can attract more business travelers, wellness seekers, or explorers. By incorporating local culture, art, or history into  design, hotels can appeal to more cultural travelers or locals.


To enhance brand differentiation and positioning

Renovating a hotel can also help hospitality brands create a unique and distinctive brand experience that sets them apart from their competitors. By aligning design, service, and amenities with their brand values, vision, and personality, hotels can communicate their brand story and identity to their customers and create a lasting impression.

What renovations should Hospitality Brands Focus On?

Renovating a hotel can involve different types of projects, ranging from minor cosmetic changes to major structural overhauls. However, not all renovation projects are equally effective or necessary for enhancing brand experience. Hospitality brands should focus on renovation projects that:


Address customer needs and expectations

The most important factor to consider when planning a renovation project is what customers want and need from a hotel stay. Hospitality brands should conduct market research, analyze customer feedback, and monitor industry trends to identify the gaps and opportunities in their current offering and how they can improve it through renovation.


Align with brand strategy and identity

Another important factor to consider when planning a renovation project is how it fits with the brand strategy and identity of the hotel. Hospitality brands should have a clear vision of what they want to achieve with their renovation project and how it supports their brand goals, values, and personality. They should also ensure that their renovation project is consistent with their brand image and message across all touchpoints.


Property Improvement Plan (PIP)

Having a right and detailed PIP plan helps hotel owners avoid redundant costs, improving the physical condition and appearance of the hotel property. Making it more attractive, comfortable, and functional for guests. A qualified third party can assist them with determining budgets and phasing of FF&E, OS&E replacement or renovation for proper planning.

How Renovation Helps Hospitality Brands Stand Out?

Renovation can help hospitality brands stand out from the crowd by creating a memorable and engaging customer experience that reflects their brand identity and values. Here are some examples of how some hospitality brands have used renovation to enhance their brand experience:


ÊMM Hotel Saigon

This 3-star hotel in Ho Chi Minh City has undergone a major renovation in 2019 to refresh its design and service. The renovation includes changing the color scheme, furniture, lighting, and artwork of the hotel, as well as adding new features such as a rooftop bar, a fitness center, and a coworking space.


Da Lat Edensee Resort & Spa

A luxurious 5-star resort located in the Tuyen Lam Lake Tourist Area. Dalat Edensee has collaborated with ZIVA in the renovation project to enhance the functionality of areas such as the VIP club, souvenir shop, and F&B area. The renovation project aims to improve the spatial experience and brand experience, showcasing the positioning of the Edensee brand and conveying its story and brand inspiration to customers.

For hospitality brands, renovation is more than just maintenance work. It is a strategy to enhance the brand experience and differentiate from competitors. It aims to not only meet customer needs and expectations but also represents the brand’s values and essence.
