About Us

Embrace excellence with ZIVA - Pioneering Your Hospitality Success  
Welcome to ZIVA – your gateway to an all-encompassing suite of hospitality solutions. Rooted in expertise, we're excited to introduce ZIVA exceptional offerings to the dynamic Vietnamese market. We're more than just consultants – we're partners in your journey, ready to guide you through every facet of hotel development, from strategic investments to operational excellence. ZIVA excels in global hotel chain development, making us an ideal partner for diverse projects, from real estate to specialty and luxury hotel segments. Every ZIVA project seamlessly fuses international standards with local essence, ushering in transformative advancements for the Vietnam Hospitality industry. Headquartered strategically in Texas, USA and Hanoi, Vietnam, ZIVA stands ready to cater to your requirements.



Procurement Solutions.

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International Standards,
Local Understanding,
Exclusive Design

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Diversify product lines,
especially towards
sustainable values

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Our Solutions





Local understanding, international standards
One stop purchasing 5000++ FFE / OSE items.
Complex procurement process.
Minimize delivery shipment in one time.
Meet Standards
Quick verify Hotel Standards & Brand.
Avoid redundant purchasing staffs, operation staffs and branding staffs.
Exceeded 5,000++ in 900+ different categories.
Cost Efficiency  
Combine separated suppliers & shipments.
Integrates 500++ international manufactures & suppliers.
Real time in sharing & supporting for quick decision.

Featured Projects

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